Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Hello Fascination

Here's To You Glorify My Darlings, Are You Satisfied?
Here's To You Criticize My Darlings, Are You Satisfied?

Hi there

This is my most recent blog which I created in order to showcase my portfolio of photography based works. In this blog I will upload new and old photos of mine which I will discuss (what I like about them, what I don't so much like etc.), images that inspire me, discuss artists I like and aspire to and discuss new skills I have learned (both camera and editing based).

I'm looking forward to creating this blog, which I'm creating for both personal use and for putting together a Graphic Design based portfolio. I hope you enjoy my work and I welcome any feedback you have to offer me.

Here's an image I took just to start things off =]

My main inspiration for this was not any particular artist or image, it was more so an unexpected find actually as I just happened to stumble upon this teeny tiny little red flower on my back lawn. I found the whole idea of a flower which is so beautiful, yet so tiny that for most it would go unnoticed, hidden amongst the daisies, to be something I had to try and capture. Even though it is one of the smallest objects in the photo I feel that by centering it and making it the most in focus part of the image that your eye can't help but be drawn to it. The bright vivid colour also makes it stand out from the other plain coloured flowers and expanse of green, making its unique beauty even more obvious.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice picture, is this a photo you took? or you like? and what do you feel about it? You need a little more information on it :)
